Saturday, June 11, 2011

Fall Hunting

   In my book "The River Calls" I spend a lot of time describing the many hunting trips I have taken. But in reality, hunting was so very important that it meant the difference between survival and death. People on the river put up large quantities of game and tend large gardens. There wasn't any trips to the shopping center.
  But speaking of a deeper meaning, hunting is an urge to provide for our families. When you sit down to dinner, and you know that you provided it, your heart beats proudly.
   I recall days of late fall, sitting in a canoe, watching the world turn towards winter. No sounds could be heard except for the rustle of wind moving through the now dead reeds and grasses. Then with a loud rush, a flock of Bluebills streak by moving at an unbelievable speed. You don't even get a shot. They leave you wishing you'd seen them earlier so you could have perhaps taken one.
   Another interesting thing is that the feet that were so cold a few minutes ago, now are toasty warm. Now you're on high alert for the next flock.
   Now, I'm old and sit inside where there's a nice warm fire keeping my feet warm. I long for the days spent hunting, of freezing in an old canoe, of shooting something for the table. But for today, I am heartened by the blue sky and the flocks of geese I see coming by.
    I invite you to visit "The River Calls" blog site each day for a small look into what life was like a long time ago.
 You can find the EBook Kindle edition of "The River Calls" at and at The Peace River Books blog is updated each day.   
   Glad you stopped into "therivercalls" blog. We'll try to put something new here each day.
Good Reading,

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