Sunday, May 15, 2011

Swingdingles and Snortpoles

In "The River Calls" you'll read about many unusual people, places and things, but none will be more colorful than their own private language.

Swingdingles: were a small box with sleigh runners. It was about two feet wide, four feet long and about two feet high with a tight fitting lid. It was used to bring the noon meal out to the men along with a big pail of coffee. Some of them had a bell attached to the box so the men could hear it coming.

Snortpoles: were used in the bunkhouse when the logging camps got full of men. The places where the men slept had bunks big enough for two men. The snortpole was placed down the center of the bunk to keep the rollers from disturbing their bunkmate.

In the following days I'll take you deeper into "therivercalls" and tell quite a bit about life in the camps. I think you'll enjoy it.

Good Reading,

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