Friday, June 24, 2011

Ark Ark Ark

   Just when I thought I'd start loading up the new Ark I've built, the sun comes out bright and spectacular as usual. Now what am I going to do with a 300 cubit ark, not to mention the pair of skunks I rounded up. Life's hard for us old guys.
   Here in Minnesota, we live in extreme conditions. It's either extremely nice or extremely nasty. We never seem to get the average days. I've seen days that were so spectacular, you couldn't describe it on paper. I've also seen wind and snow so intense, that all you can do is hunker down in the barn with the critters.
   But as for today, it's pretty darned nice.
   You can find the EBook Kindle edition of "The River Calls" at and at The Peace River Books blog is updated each day. 
   I invite you to visit "The River Calls" blog site each day for a small look into what life was like a long time ago.
   Glad you stopped into "therivercalls" blog. We'll try to put something new here each day.
Good Reading,

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