Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Hot Minnesota Summer

   Here it is at last. That one day that we can truly say "It's Summer!" Here in Northern Minnesota, we don't get this kind of weather very often. If I remember right, the last time we had summer, I was a child, of about 35 years of age.
   Fall, winter and spring eat up most of the year. We get the occasional day where we can sit on the river bank and fish without our minnow bucket freezing solid. But they are indeed rare. 
   The weather here can change quite rapidly too. I remember once that I was sitting in my boat fishing and the lake froze right in front of me. There must have been over two inches of ice, not nearly enough to walk on. 
   After two days without food, I tried walking to shore on the ice. I got just a few feet from the boat and the ice cracked and down I went. Yup, I drowned under the ice, right in the middle of summer. Honest!
   You can find the EBook Kindle edition of "The River Calls" at and at The Peace River Books blog is updated each day. 
   I invite you to visit "The River Calls" blog site each day for a small look into what life was like a long time ago.
Good Reading,

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